The Way is a practical teaching ministry concerned with teaching people how to transform their lives from negative and fear filled to positive and joyous. Transformation occurs when people believe and apply the basic spiritual truths made known in God’s Word.
For God’s plan in His Word to be made known, it requires someone teaching it to willing students—those who desire to know God’s will.
Romans 12:2:
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
From all these insightful teachings, we are reenergized and renewed in our commitment to serve God our Father with a deeper understanding of His will.

What a rich time we had in doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayers. The teachings of God’s Word were amazing. They were lively and engaging with much practical learning. So much of what was taught we can begin applying now—setting Biblically based patterns, having godly vision, getting outside of our comfort zones, and having the power to make changes. All of this will bring greater quality of life as we, in turn, lovingly share God’s Word with others.