Registration is now open for the 2020 Advanced Class, which will be held at The Way International Headquarters June 7–20. The advanced class on The Way of Abundance and Power is for qualified students who are seeking a genuine, in-depth understanding of the Word of God, and who desire to advance in their walk in the way of abundance and power via the operation of all nine manifestations of holy spirit. International Headquarters hosted an Advanced Class in June of 2018 also, for students from The Way of the U.S.A. and from International Outreach countries. In total, twenty countries were represented at the class. Enjoy some of the highlights from the 2018 Advanced Class, and, if it’s your desire, enjoy setting your vision high to register for and attend the next Advanced Class.

On Sunday, June 17, 2018, students gathered at Headquarters in New Knoxville, Ohio, for the start of the 2018 Advanced Class. These students came for two weeks of power-packed learning and accelerated growth in the Word.

Upon registering, the students broke bread together at supper in the Outreach Services Center Dining Room. They ate many meals like this together throughout the class.

The class opening was held in the Prevailing Word Auditorium. This was a Sunday Teaching Service, and it included music, a teaching from God’s Word, and live phone hookups.

On Monday, class sessions began for an audience eager to learn. The sessions included both live and recorded teachings.

Part of the class included “share pairs” and study groups, where students discussed what they were learning with one another.

Recreation time was also a part of the class. Students enjoyed a variety of games and activities, as well as fellowship with one another, with The Way International Staff, and with the in-residence Way Corps.

The Way International Bookstore was available at times throughout the class. Students could purchase items such as research materials, teachings on CD and DVD, and memorabilia from Headquarters.

The closing for the Advanced Class was held in the Prevailing Word Auditorium and was presented as a live Sunday Teaching Service.

After a hearty breakfast, on Saturday, June 30, the students of the 2018 Advanced Class headed home. Some traveled long distances, and some went to their homes at Headquarters, but all left more energized to see the Word live and prevail in their own lives and in their communities.
Would you enjoy taking part in this unique and impactful time of learning in the Word with other excited members of the Body of Christ? Talk to your local leadership to see if the 2020 Advanced Class is right for you.