Each week, these web articles encourage readers with clear and solid Biblical truths. They direct readers to the Scriptures so they can pursue their own further study on a topic that interests them.

This Is What God Says
To understand God’s will for our lives, we can look to His Word, which contains all things that pertain unto life and godliness (II Peter 1:3,4). Here are scriptures that detail some aspects of life God has addressed in His Word. God wants us to know, understand, and believe what He says.

God’s Word Works
Be inspired by these personal accounts of God’s Word working in the lives of followers of The Way from all around the world.

Way Magazine Excerpts
The Way Magazine is filled with practical articles about living the Word of God. Beginning with the very first issue over seventy years ago, it has been providing men, women, and young people with timely Biblical truths they can put into practice for consistently powerful results. Explore these excerpts from previous issues of The Way Magazine.