Do you remember the moment that you were born again spiritually? What joy, what deliverance, what wholeness, what love! For some, this may be a life-changing experience—going from utter darkness to God’s glorious light of life. No matter our past or current path in life, it is available to be saved for all eternity. All you have to do is confess Jesus as lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9,10). Welcome to the family of God.
Doing the Works of Jesus Christ
Every Moment of the Day (quartet)
He’s Alive and He’s Coming Back
I Made You a Witness (acoustic)
Is There Anything Too Hard? (lyric video)
Knit (Fountain of Living Waters version)
The Ministry of Reconciliation
Reaching the World with the Word
Something Different with Him (acoustic)
Surrounded by God’s Power and Love
We Are the Lights
(Featuring The Way of Togo Choir)
We Shine as Lights in the World (FR/ES)
We’re Strong in God’s Household
Always Trust in God Your Father
I Am the Lord That Healeth Thee
In My Heart There Rings a Melody