And So It Begins!

“God’s Word is relevant. And I think that people need to know that. And we need to show people that God’s Word isn’t just a dusty book sitting on a shelf. It’s quick, it’s alive, it’s energetic. It has power. And when believed, it can change your life for the best. You can see the impossible become possible and you can have light where areas might be dark. You can have answers where there may be questions. And those aren’t conversations that we should just have together. Those are conversations that should be shared. The Word should be shared with people. And a great way that you learn about God’s Word is by talking about it and by having conversations about it. So I think that’s what we’re going to be able to do.” 

Delve into this introductory episode to see what Lighting the Way Today is all about. This is a conversation with Hunter Mullins and Sierra Bergman, the producers of this podcast, where they explain the goals of the project, what makes it unique, and their why behind providing godly, encouraging content to those who want to know more about God and His Word. 

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Certain opinions expressed in this podcast may or may not represent the views of The Way International. 

All music used is either owned by The Way International, is used with permission, has been purchased for use, or is in the public domain.