Lyrics of Light: Christian Rappers Spreading the Word

“Something that I really admire about Isaac is that he can express what he’s gone through, through music and his lyricism….Having the conversation not only gives a way for the solution to be said, but also helps just bring us together, because we’re going through a lot of similar things.”

In this lighthearted episode, Sierra Bergman interviews young Christian rappers Isaac Parker and Tytus Witt (a.k.a., ELI & Suave T), delving into their thoughts on music, service, and God’s role in all of it. Interested in more Christian music? Want to learn more about the Way Ambassador program Isaac and Tytus talk about in this episode? See the links below!

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All music used is either owned by The Way International, is used with permission, has been purchased for use, or is in the public domain.