Preparing for Parenthood

“God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, so that we could have life more abundantly. That’s our primary goal – to help our children see that and understand that through what we teach them, what we show them in how we treat them, and how we treat one another in our marriage relationship. As they see that, they can learn to love God and learn to love His Word, and we know that has the best chance of setting them up for success in life.”

This episode gives an insightful look into transitioning into parenthood with a unique and pragmatic interview conducted by Hunter Mullins. Ministers and parents of three, Dr. and Mrs. Neal Kelly (Neal and Grace), who both also have backgrounds in the field of healthcare, answer timely questions about what the Word says about parenthood and give practical understanding about what the process of building a family looks like. With so much confusion in the world today about what God’s will is concerning parenthood and families, you won’t want to miss this episode filled with straightforward scripture and grounded insight into this topic.

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